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Monday, May 11, 2009

Netflix? I'll buy that

I just switched from blockbuster to Netflix today and have to say I am pretty pleased with the move. $13.99 plus another $3.00 ain't bad for 2 unlimited rentals a month I must say and we will have to see how quickly I can get my movies but in the mean time I can start watching some streamlining video of movies such as: Unforgiven, The Searchers, and Casablanca. I was really shocked by this and had to take a look at the stock like any well informed investor would do. So I did and wow am I impressed, sure the stock is close to its 50-day moving average of 44 (it currently trades at 39/share) but this stock has some staying power. The founder, Reed Hastings, is a genius, he took bold steps to create/integrate top boxes for the company basically keeping 3 steps ahead of any competitor. Netflix has turned into the modern day tivo with a twist of blockbuster. With the way economic times are looking right now the companies that are going to survive are the ones that are dishing out high quality entertainment on the cheap and easy to access. That's what Netflix is all about, easy access...:)...

Here are some stats I like about the company...

Total Cash: 286 million vs 38.87 million of debt
Revenue: 1.43 Billion with market cap of $2.4 billion
Profit: 434 million...(would like to see about 250 million more but eh)
yoy growth: 67% (thats huge..)

The analysts like it too...we got a firm upgrade from Citibank last month and a few more reports that say it's a buy (at least 3 vs 11 hold recos).

If you can be patient I would go for this stock at $34...


shansPLC said...

welcome on board bff!! netflix is awesome.

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