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Friday, April 3, 2009

You need a new suit for cheap...go to Banana pants

So this weekend only at the Downtown Men's Banana Republic they're giving away FREE SUIT PANTS. Oh, there's a catch, you have to buy the suit jacket that goes along with the suit. How ever you can save even more b A) using your banana republic card or B) opening up a banana republic card. It is 10% for regular Banana Republic holders and 15% plus 10% for new openers. It's a real great deal if you're in the market for a new suit. The one pictured above is the new three piece Monogram suit. the jacket goes for $425, vest is $148.00, and the pants are regularly $199.00. But in this case the pants are free plus the potential discounts you can save at least $250 with an average suit. In today's economy that's why I call being, ...urbanomical. There are a tone of new summer suits there because we just got our new line this past Tuesday. I know the Women's store has dresses for 50% or something but yeah...btw this is exclusive to the Downtown Men's Store I believe and it's only on regular priced suits. holla....